The Power Of Flashcards With The SHICHIDA Method


Have you ever wanted to give your child a competitive edge in school? The Shichida Method, developed by famed educator Dr. Makoto Shichida, is an effective way to improve your child’s memory and cognitive development using flashcards. Keep reading to learn more about this innovative approach and how it can help your child become an ace learner!

What Are Flashcards?

For those who don’t know, flashcards are small cards used for memorization and repetition drills. They typically feature two sides, one side with a picture or word, and the other side with the corresponding answer or definition. Used effectively, they can be powerful tools in helping children remember key information quickly and easily.

The Shichida Method

The heart of the Shichida Method lies in its use of flashcards—but not just any old flashcards! These special Shichida Method flashcards expose children to different words and images. Flashcards are proven to increase their cognitive skills such as memory recall and pattern recognition.

This method emphasizes exposing children to large amounts of material at once, rather than focusing on single pieces of information at a time. It also focuses on using visual association techniques such as linking images to words or phrases. This allows children to rapidly store information into their long-term memory banks.

Dr. Makoto Shichida’s research found that these methods are most effective when used during the early years of life (0-6 years old). During these developmental stages, he believes that children should be taught up to 400 words per day! Through this intensive exposure process, he claims that children can retain large amounts of data in their long-term memories. This is due to the sheer quantity they are exposed to daily.

The Shichida Method has been proven effective in helping children increase their memorization skills while strengthening their overall mental acuity. The Shichida Method is just what your child needs to give them an edge over their peers at school. Use flashcards to introduce them to large quantities of new words and concepts through flashcard drills every day. This way their brains will rapidly absorb knowledge like sponges – just like Dr. Makoto Shichida said they would.

It’s certainly worth trying out if you want your little one to reach their full potential. The best part is, now you can do it free from the comfort of your home!

Check out how Shichida At Home can help develop your child’s cognitive ability from the comfort of your home. Try your FREE TRIAL today!

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