How to Use the SHICHIDA at Home Program

Here’s a guide on how to effectively use this holistic program to support your child’s development and make the most of your time together. 

1. Start with the Videos 

  • Begin by watching the first video in the series for your child’s age range together.  
  • This shared experience ensures your child understands what is going on, promoting both learning and quality bonding time.  
  • It teaches your child to follow instructions and improves their comprehension skills. 
  • This is good educational screen time, where both you and your child are engaged in the content. 
  • You don’t have to watch the whole video in one go! Feel free to pause and take breaks as needed. You can come back to it later or finish the video and rewatch your child’s favourite parts. 
  • This flexibility helps maintain your child’s attention and reduces screen fatigue. 
  • If your child finds any part challenging, rewatch that section together to help them overcome the challenge. This reinforces problem-solving skills and persistence. 
  • Likewise if they have a favourite part, you can rewatch that section to enhance their love for learning. 
  • How you use the videos depends on your parenting style and philosophy. 
  • The flexibility of the SHICHIDA at Home program allows you to design your schedule to fit your family’s needs, promoting personalised learning. 

2. Establish a Routine 

  • Structure and routine go a long way with the SHICHIDA Method. Set aside a specific time for your SHICHIDA sessions, whether daily or weekly.  
  • A consistent schedule helps children develop time management and organizational skills. 
  • While you may not be restricted to a classroom schedule, the SHICHIDA philosophy values routine. This helps your child know what to expect and understand how their day will go. 
  • Ensure you watch each video together at least once.  
  • Repetition aids memory retention and reinforces learning. 
  • Rewatch the videos together as often as is feasible for you.  
  • If practical constraints make this difficult, it’s okay for your child to partially watch alone for repetitions sake, but the program is designed for joint participation.  

3. Utilise the Parent Guide 

  • The parent guide provides ideas for extension activities and practical items that can replicate what is shown in the videos by Teacher Emma.  
  • This enhances your child’s learning experience through varied and interactive methods.
  • Play hands-on games and activities as outlined in the guide to practice important skills through play. This promotes creativity, fine motor skills, and cognitive development.  
  • The SHICHIDA Method relies heavily on parental involvement to ensure holistic development.  
  • Your engagement is crucial to your child’s learning process, promoting a supportive and encouraging environment. 

4. Practice with Workbook Activities

  • Practice what was taught in the video using the workbook activities. You can print and repeat these activities as many times as you like.  
  • This practice helps reinforce concepts and skills learned. 
  • Use this to practice challenging areas or to enjoy your child’s favourite activities repeatedly. This builds confidence and mastery in various subjects. 
  • Practice what was taught in the video using the workbook activities. You can print and repeat these activities as many times as you like.  
  • This practice helps reinforce concepts and skills learned. 
  • Use this to practice challenging areas or to enjoy your child’s favourite activities repeatedly. This builds confidence and mastery in various subjects. 

5. Engage with Educational Songs 

  • Listen to the educational songs together. Sing, clap, and dance along with them. This interactive approach makes learning fun and engaging. 
  • Songs help teach important concepts, making them a great learning tool.  
  • Educational songs also enhance memory, rhythm, and language skills. 
  • Listen to the educational songs together. Sing, clap, and dance along with them. This interactive approach makes learning fun and engaging. 
  • Songs help teach important concepts, making them a great learning tool.  
  • Educational songs also enhance memory, rhythm, and language skills. 

6. Apply Learning to Daily Life 

  • Apply what you and your child learn from the videos to daily life.  
  • The SHICHIDA Method can transform any daily activity into an educational and rewarding experience. Whether it’s cooking, shopping, or a walk in the park, use these moments to teach your child new concepts and skills. 
  • For example, while cooking, discuss measurements and ingredients to teach math and science concepts. During a walk, talk about plants and animals to foster an interest in nature and biology. 
  • The idea is for parents to learn and gain ideas and guidance on how to teach their child effectively. By actively participating in your child’s education, you become their first and best teacher. 
  • Use the techniques and activities from the SHICHIDA program to create a rich, educational environment at home. Encourage curiosity, ask open-ended questions, and engage in meaningful conversations to promote critical thinking and learning. 

By following these steps, you can make the most of the SHICHIDA at Home program, ensuring a balanced, engaging, and effective learning experience for your child. Enjoy this journey of discovery and learning together! 

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For over 65 years, the SHICHIDA Method has empowered parents like you to holistically prepare their children for success in academics and life.
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What Parents are saying

ecause when I was in Melbourne we did Shichida classes with my older one and felt that my younger son missed out since we moved to Brisbane. So I wanted him to experience Shichida at home. I love the flash cards and the way all instructions are given are great. The memory training and silly stories are my favourite too.

I want my child to learn English language.
I would tell someone who’s considering SHICHIDA at Home that is is very good programme and I recommend 10 out of 10, because I didn’t find such programme. We enjoyed flashcards and Shichi

“I love Shichida program but unfortunately the centre is too far from my house. So I subscribe to Shichida at Home for my daughter and she loves it. I found all the different actitivies; very intuitive. It’s an excellent early childhood program and bonding time to spend with your child. I would highly recommend SHICHIDA at Home to anyone. On a scale of one to ten, I rate this program TEN!!!”

Mia S
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