Memory Skills for Kids: Memory Development Strategies for Young Children

In today’s information-rich world, memory is more than just a cognitive function; it’s a crucial skill that enables children to succeed academically, socially, and beyond. As such, teaching effective memory techniques to young children is invaluable in laying a foundation for lifelong learning and information retention. This article explores practical strategies and activities that parents can employ at home to enhance their children’s memory skills.

Understanding Memory Development in Children

Memory development is a critical aspect of early childhood education. As children grow, their brains are not only able to hold more information but also become more adept at organizing and retrieving data.

There are two types of memory that are important at this stage: working memory and long-term memory. Working memory holds information temporarily for processing, while long-term memory stores information for longer periods. Enhancing both types of memory can significantly improve learning outcomes and cognitive skills.

SHICHIDA at Home provides games and activities designed to develop memory. Check out how we can help nurture your child from the comfort of your home.

Strategies for Enhancing Memory Skills

Create a Routine

Consistency helps children predict and prepare, reducing cognitive load and freeing up memory resources. Establish regular times for learning activities, meals, and play. This stability helps children feel secure and enhances their ability to focus and remember.

Use Repetition

Repeating information, whether through reading aloud, singing, or recitation, reinforces memory pathways. Engage your child in activities that involve repetition, such as reading the same story multiple nights in a row or singing nursery rhymes together.

Incorporate Multi-Sensory Learning

Children remember better when they engage multiple senses. For memory enhancement, involve activities that use touch, sight, hearing, and movement. For example, use flashcards for sight, read aloud for hearing, use clay or playdough for touch, and encourage movement through hand gestures or actions related to the learning material.

Teach Mnemonic Devices

Mnemonics are memory aids that help retain information. Teach simple mnemonic devices like acronyms (e.g., ROY G. BIV for the colours of the rainbow) or acrostics (e.g., “Every Good Boy Does Fine” for musical notes). These tools are not only effective but also make learning fun.

Encourage Visualization

Ask children to create a mental image of what they are trying to remember. For instance, if they are learning about animals, have them visualize the animal, its habitat, and what it eats. This can be turned into an art activity where they draw their visualizations.


SHICHIDA at Home provides engaging educational videos and workbooks, designed to develop memory. Suitable for ages 1- 5.

Practical Activities to Enhance Memory Skills

Memory Games

Games like “Memory” or “Simon Says” are fantastic for improving working memory. These games require children to recall and repeat patterns or sets of instructions, which enhance both auditory and visual memory capabilities.

Rhyme Time

Introduce young children to rhyming games by having them think of words that rhyme with simple, familiar words like “cat” or “sun”. Keep it playful and light—celebrate each successful rhyme they make, whether it’s a real word or a silly, made-up one. This activity boosts auditory memory by focusing on sounds and nurtures early language skills. Turn it into a fun game by clapping a rhythm as you take turns saying the rhyming words, making the learning process engaging and enjoyable for little ones.

Story Chains

Create a story together where each person adds a sentence, and everyone must remember the story from the beginning each time. This activity not only boosts memory but also encourages creative thinking.

Cooking Projects

Involve your child in cooking or baking by asking them to help with recipes. Cooking involves sequencing, measuring, and following instructions, which are excellent practices for enhancing memory.

Nature Scavenger Hunts

Organize a scavenger hunt where children need to find items from nature based on a list you provide. This activity requires them to remember what they are looking for while they exercise their observation and recall skills.


Puzzle Building

Working on puzzles helps enhance visual-spatial reasoning and memory. As children figure out where each piece goes, they need to recall the shape and colour of missing pieces and their relation to the assembled sections.

Flashcard Fun

Use flashcards to teach new vocabulary and basic concepts.  Start with a few cards and gradually increase the number as your child’s memory retention improves. For younger children, use pictures and bright colours to capture their attention. This method strengthens visual memory and can be made more engaging by creating a matching game where children pair related cards based on memory recall.

Simple Matching Game

For very young children, create a straightforward matching game using cards or tiles with simple images on them, such as animals, shapes, or colours. Start with a small number of pairs to keep it manageable. Lay the cards face down, and encourage your child to turn over two at a time, trying to find a match. This game helps enhance visual memory by requiring children to recall the location and image of each card. It also improves their concentration and focus.


Make the game more engaging by using pictures of familiar objects or characters from their favourite stories. As they become more adept, you can gradually increase the number of pairs to make the game more challenging and beneficial for their memory development.


Tips for Parents

Stay Patient and Positive

Memory development varies by child, and patience is key. Celebrate small successes to keep the learning environment joyful and motivating.

Limit Distractions

Create a quiet, organized space for memory activities. Reducing background noise and clutter can help children focus better.

Keep Activities Short

Young children have short attention spans. Keep memory training sessions brief but frequent to maintain their engagement without causing frustration.

Incorporate Their Interests

Tailor memory activities around topics that interest your child. If they love dinosaurs, use dinosaur toys for counting, sorting, or as characters in stories to boost memory.


Monitor Progress

Keep track of your child’s progress and adjust activities as needed. What works one month might need tweaking as they grow and develop.

By integrating these strategies and activities into daily routines, parents can significantly enhance their children’s memory skills. This not only prepares them for academic success but also instils a lifelong love for learning. Each small step in enhancing a child’s memory is a leap towards their future success.


SHICHIDA at Home provides many brain-boosting activities designed to help your child develop a strong working memory. Check out how the Shichida Method can help nurture your child’s development.

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