Math and Art: Making Maths Creative for Kids

Art and maths, although seemingly disparate, can intersect with fruitful outcomes, particularly in early education. By incorporating mathematics into pre-school art activities, children can develop a stronger grasp of mathematical concepts, while simultaneously enhancing their creativity and critical thinking skills. This integration serves as a bridge between colors and shapes, and numbers and equations, as young learners explore the potential of these seemingly different disciplines. As educators, it is essential to unlock the hidden potential within our students by fostering an environment that encourages interdisciplinary exploration.

Understanding the Relationship

Shapes and Forms

Preschool art frequently revolves around the exploration of shapes and forms. By incorporating geometric shapes such as circles, squares, triangles, and rectangles, children have the opportunity to become acquainted with fundamental mathematical concepts. Encouraging them to create artwork utilizing these shapes not only nurtures their creativity but also fosters a practical understanding of geometry, laying a solid foundation for future learning. By engaging in this hands-on approach, children can develop spatial awareness, visual perception, and problem-solving skills. Moreover, this early exposure to geometry helps children comprehend the world around them, as shapes are prevalent in everyday objects and structures. Overall, integrating geometric shapes into preschool art is a valuable educational tool that combines artistic expression with mathematical exploration.

SHICHIDA at Home provides many activities that help your child discover maths through art. Check out how SHICHIDA at Home can help develop your child’s cognitive ability from the comfort of your home.


Patterns play a vital role in the realms of both mathematics and art. When implemented within art sessions, activities centered around pattern-making help children develop their ability to identify, generate, and extrapolate patterns. This serves as a crucial foundation in their understanding of sequences and the cultivation of algebraic thinking skills. Overall, the incorporation of pattern-related exercises fosters a holistic learning experience that combines artistic expression with mathematical concepts, empowering children to explore and engage with these interconnected disciplines.


Art activities that involve measurement are extremely beneficial for enhancing understanding of mathematical concepts. They provide a hands-on experience that encourages students to compare lengths, estimate sizes, and discuss proportions. By engaging in these activities, students develop essential skills related to measurement and comparison. This practical approach creates a dynamic learning environment that fosters curiosity and deepens comprehension. Additionally, incorporating art into mathematical education promotes creativity and critical thinking. This combination of analytical and artistic skills sets a strong foundation for students to excel in various disciplines.

Symmetry and Balance

Engaging in art activities that involve symmetry, like folding and creating symmetrical designs, aids children in understanding the mathematical concept of symmetry while nurturing their creativity. This exploration of symmetry through art not only enhances their cognitive development but also cultivates their ability to think critically and express themselves artistically. By actively participating in such activities, children can gain a deeper appreciation for the beauty and interconnectedness of symmetrical patterns, bridging the gap between art and mathematics. Additionally, this multidisciplinary approach fosters a holistic learning experience, allowing children to apply their knowledge of symmetry in various contexts, both within and beyond the realm of art. As educators and parents, it is important to provide opportunities for children to delve into these enriching art activities, empowering them to discover the wonders of symmetry while honing their artistic and mathematical skills.

Integrating Mathematics into Pre-School Art Activities

Shape Collages

Engaging in art activities that involve folding and creating symmetrical designs is an effective way to introduce children to the concept of symmetry. By exploring symmetry through hands-on activities, children not only gain a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts but also nurture their creativity. These educational art activities encourage children to examine and appreciate the balance and harmony found in symmetrical designs. Through this interactive approach, children develop their cognitive skills, spatial awareness, and problem-solving abilities. In conclusion, incorporating art activities centered around symmetry into educational curricula can be a valuable tool in fostering children’s learning and creativity.

SHICHIDA at Home provides many activities that help your child discover maths through art. See how SHICHIDA at Home can help develop your child’s cognitive ability while facilitating that bond between parent and child.

Patterned Artwork

Engaging children in the creation of artwork through the exploration of repetitive patterns is a beneficial and educational activity. Various mediums such as painting, drawing, or even incorporating materials like beads or buttons can be utilized to foster their understanding of sequences and patterns. By encouraging children to experiment with different patterns, they can enhance their cognitive development while unleashing their creativity. This interactive approach not only reinforces their understanding of sequences but also promotes critical thinking skills. Ultimately, incorporating repetitive patterns into art exercises provides children with a fun and engaging way to express themselves while simultaneously developing their cognitive abilities and artistic skills.

Measuring and Mixing Colors

One way to incorporate math into art is by introducing color mixing activities. This allows children to explore the combination of primary colors to create secondary colors. As they experiment with different ratios and proportions, they can gain a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts. By engaging in these activities, children can develop both their artistic and mathematical skills simultaneously.

Symmetrical Painting

Fold a sheet of paper in half and invite children to paint or draw on one side. Once unfolded, the artwork will reveal a symmetrical design. This engaging activity not only fosters creativity but also introduces the fundamental concept of symmetry. By exploring symmetry through art, children develop their artistic and cognitive skills while gaining an understanding of balance and harmony. This hands-on experience ignites their imagination and encourages them to think critically about shapes, patterns, and reflection. Furthermore, introducing symmetry at an early age can pave the way for a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts in the future. Embrace this enjoyable and educational activity to nurture young minds and inspire their lifelong appreciation for both art and mathematics.

Benefits of Integrating Math into Art Activities

Enhanced Creativity

Combining the disciplines of maths and art fosters creative thinking in children, empowering them to approach problem-solving with a diverse and dynamic mindset. By integrating these two fields, children gain valuable skills that can enhance their cognitive abilities and nurture their artistic expression. Moreover, this interdisciplinary approach lays the foundation for a well-rounded education, preparing them for success in an increasingly interconnected world. So, encourage your children to explore the synergy between math and art, as it can unlock new realms of imagination, ingenuity, and intellectual growth.

Improved Critical Thinking

Engaging in art activities that incorporate mathematical concepts is known to promote critical thinking skills, enabling children to analyze, evaluate, and establish connections between various ideas. This process not only enhances cognitive capabilities but also fosters creativity and problem-solving abilities in young minds. By bridging the gap between art and math, children can develop a holistic understanding of both subjects, which will serve them well in their academic and professional journeys. Additionally, these activities encourage curiosity and innovation, providing a strong foundation for lifelong learning. Overall, leveraging the synergy between art and math through engaging activities is a powerful educational tool that can help shape well-rounded individuals equipped with the skills needed to thrive in an ever-evolving world.

Holistic Learning

Integrating mathematics into art forms a comprehensive learning experience, showcasing the intrinsic connections between various subjects instead of considering them in isolation. By merging these disciplines, students gain a deeper understanding of both art and math, unlocking new possibilities for creativity and problem-solving. This interdisciplinary approach fosters a well-rounded education, cultivating critical thinking skills and nurturing a broader appreciation for the interplay between different fields of knowledge. Moreover, this integration encourages students to view mathematical concepts as integral components of art, fueling innovation and expanding the boundaries of artistic expression. In essence, combining math and art offers a rich and multifaceted educational journey that not only enhances students’ understanding of these subjects but also promotes holistic learning and the development of versatile individuals equipped to thrive in a rapidly evolving world.

Increased Engagement

Hands-on activities that combine mathematical concepts with artistic elements have the remarkable ability to captivate children’s interest. This dynamic approach to learning not only enhances their understanding but also fosters an enjoyable and engaging educational experience. By integrating math and art, children are encouraged to explore, create, and discover, igniting their curiosity and inspiring a lifelong love for both disciplines. These activities provide invaluable opportunities for young learners to develop crucial problem-solving skills, logical thinking, and spatial reasoning. Moreover, the integration of math and art offers a multidimensional learning experience that stimulates creativity, imagination, and critical thinking. Ultimately, this fusion of disciplines empowers children to approach math with confidence and enthusiasm, as they appreciate the inherent beauty and interconnectedness of these fields.

Unlock the Power Combo: Art and Maths

Integrating mathematics into pre-school art activities provides a well-rounded learning experience, nurturing both mathematical understanding and artistic creativity. By incorporating mathematical concepts into art projects, educators can create a conducive environment that fosters holistic development in young minds, setting a strong foundation for future learning.

As educators and parents, embracing the inherent connection between math and art can unlock a world of possibilities, allowing children to explore, create, and learn in a manner that transcends traditional classroom boundaries.

SHICHIDA at Home provides many activities that help your child discover maths through art. Check out how SHICHIDA at Home can help develop your child’s cognitive ability from the comfort of your home.

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