Parental Involvement: A Key Ingredient in Developing Motor Skills at Home

developing motor skills at home has many benefits

The early years of a child’s life are crucial for their overall development, and one aspect that often takes centre stage is the development of motor skills. Motor skills encompass both fine and gross motor skills, which involve the coordination and control of muscles for various movements. While early childhood education plays a significant role, parental involvement is equally vital in developing motor skills at home.


What are Motor Skills?

Motor skills refer to the ability to perform physical movements and control one’s body in a coordinated manner. These skills involve the use of muscles and the coordination of various body parts to achieve specific tasks. Motor skills are generally categorised into two main types:

Gross Motor Skills: These involve the use of large muscle groups and are related to activities such as walking, running, jumping, and other activities that require overall body movement and coordination.

Fine Motor Skills: These involve the use of smaller muscle groups and are related to more precise movements, such as grasping objects, writing, using utensils, and other activities that require hand-eye coordination and dexterity.

SHICHIDA at Home provides many activities designed to help develop your little one’s motor skills. Check out how SHICHIDA at Home can help nurture your child’s development from the comfort of your home.

The Role of Parents in Motor Skill Development

Developing the dexterity of a baby’s hands and fingers is essential to mastering skills for writing, brushing teeth, self-feeding and more. Parents serve as the primary caregivers and influencers in a child’s life. Their involvement is not limited to providing basic needs; it extends to creating an environment that nurtures the physical and cognitive growth of their children. When it comes to motor skills, parents play a pivotal role in laying the foundation for future physical abilities.


Four Essential Pillars of Early Motor Skills Development

  1. Setting the Stage

Parents are the architects of a child’s early environment. Creating a space that encourages movement is the first step. Simple measures like having open spaces to play, providing age-appropriate toys and activities that encourage motor skills, and ensuring safety allow children to explore and practice various motor skills naturally.

  1. Modelling Behaviour

Children are keen observers, and they learn by imitating the actions of those around them. Parents who actively engage in physical activities serve as role models for their children. Whether it’s through playing, drawing, dancing, or simply being active, parents’ actions can inspire and instil a love for movement in their children.

  1. Encouraging Exploration

Encouraging children to explore their surroundings promotes both fine and gross motor skills. Allowing them to crawl, climb, and manipulate objects not only enhances physical abilities but also boosts problem-solving skills and spatial awareness.

  1. Building Strength and Coordination

Engaging in activities that focus on building muscle strength and coordination is essential. Simple exercises like crawling games, climbing stairs, tearing paper, manipulating playdough, or playing with building blocks can contribute significantly to a child’s physical development.


SHICHIDA at Home provides many activities designed to help develop your little one’s motor skills. Check out how SHICHIDA at Home can help nurture your child’s development from the comfort of your home.

Practical Tips and Activities for Parents

Tummy Time

Place infants on their stomachs for short periods daily. This helps strengthen neck and upper body muscles, laying the groundwork for crawling and later activities.

Sensory Play

Introduce sensory play with activities involving different textures, such as playing with sand, water, or a variety of textured fabrics. This not only enhances fine motor skills but also stimulates the senses. Exposure to different textures engages neural pathways, ensuring tactile awareness and encouraging the integration of sensory information.

Active Play

Engage in active play with your child. Dancing to popular nursery rhymes and encouraging hand and body movement along with the songs is a great way to develop muscles throughout the body and hands. If your child is old enough, you can play a game of catch, kick a ball, or play tag. These activities contribute to the development of gross motor skills, fostering coordination, balance, and spatial awareness.

Arts and Crafts

Get creative with art and craft activities, such as tearing paper, cutting, gluing, drawing, and colouring. These activities not only refine fine motor skills but also encourage hand-eye coordination and precision. Additionally, engaging in fun tasks like peeling and sticking stickers, as well as peg play, provides enjoyable ways to further develop finger precision.


Benefits of Parental Involvement in Motor Skill Development

Improved Physical Health

Actively engaging in physical activities at home contributes to the overall well-being of a child. Strong motor skills are linked to better physical health, reducing the risk of sedentary-related issues.

Enhanced Cognitive Abilities

Motor skill development is closely linked to cognitive development. By engaging in activities that challenge both fine and gross motor skills, children improve their cognitive abilities, including problem-solving, memory, and attention.

Boosted Confidence and Self-Esteem

Mastering new physical skills instils a sense of accomplishment in children. As parents cheer them on and celebrate their achievements, it boosts confidence and enhances self-esteem.

Healthy Lifestyle Habits

Instilling a love for physical activity at an early age sets the foundation for a healthy lifestyle. Children who grow up in an environment that values movement are more likely to adopt active habits throughout their lives.

Stronger Parent-Child Bond

Engaging in activities together creates lasting bonds between parents and children. Shared experiences foster communication, trust, and emotional connections.

Preparation for Academic Success

Research suggests a positive correlation between motor skill development and academic success. Children with well-developed motor skills may find it easier to focus, participate, and excel in classroom activities.


Parental Involvement – a Key Ingredient

Parental involvement in developing motor skills at home is a key ingredient in a child’s overall growth. By actively participating in their children’s physical activities, parents contribute not only to the enhancement of motor skills but also to the development of a healthy and well-rounded individual. Simple, everyday activities can be transformed into opportunities for learning and growth, laying the groundwork for a bright and active future.


SHICHIDA at Home provides many activities designed to help develop your little one’s motor skills. Check out how SHICHIDA at Home can help nurture your child’s development from the comfort of your home.

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