10 Fun and Engaging Math Activities for Pre-Schoolers

Math Activities

Mathematics is commonly regarded as a challenging discipline, but there’s no need for it to be dull! At the preschool stage, children have a natural curiosity and delight in discovering new concepts, making it an ideal time to introduce them to the fascinating realm of math. Instead of relying solely on traditional approaches, which might overwhelm young minds, there exists a plethora of enjoyable and interactive math activities specifically designed to cultivate a passion for numbers and problem-solving in preschoolers. Presented below are ten of these engaging activities, perfectly tailored to preschool-aged children.

Counting Games

Counting is a fundamental concept in mathematics, serving as the initial stepping stone. It is crucial for preschoolers to grasp the art of counting from 1 to 10, eventually progressing up to 20. Encourage learning by engaging them in interactive counting games, such as determining the quantity of fruits or toys within a basket, or counting the number of steps they have taken. Additionally, incorporating visually stimulating resources like flashcards and vibrant charts can enhance the enjoyment of counting. These activities will lay a strong foundation for mathematical development, empowering young minds with essential skills for future academic endeavors.

SHICHIDA at Home utilizes fun, interactive counting games that will have your child laughing, pointing and counting a range of interesting items as they appear on the screen.

Check out how SHICHIDA at Home can help develop your child’s cognitive ability from the comfort of your home, all while facilitating that all-important bond between parent and child.

Matching Games

Matching is a crucial skill for preschoolers to acquire, as it serves as an introduction to fundamental mathematical concepts such as patterns. You can facilitate their understanding by creating engaging matching games. Utilize cards or blocks with diverse colors, shapes, or sizes, and encourage your preschooler to match them according to these criteria. This interactive activity fosters cognitive development and lays a solid foundation for future math skills.

Shape Sorting

Sorting shapes is a highly effective method for teaching preschoolers how to identify shapes and grasp spatial concepts. By utilizing common materials such as blocks, cups, or lids in various shapes, parents and educators can encourage children to group them accordingly. This activity not only enhances their cognitive skills but also promotes critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. Additionally, it fosters a deeper understanding of fundamental mathematical principles at an early age. Emphasizing hands-on learning experiences like this can have a positive and lasting impact on a child’s educational journey.

SHICHIDA at Home introduces your child to a variety of shapes and helps them get used to identifying and sorting them. Check out how SHICHIDA at Home can help develop your child’s cognitive ability from the comfort of your home, all while facilitating that all-important bond between parent and child.

Number Recognition

Preschoolers should develop a foundational grasp of numbers and their relation to quantities. Utilizing flashcards or charts can help introduce numbers effectively. Engage your preschooler by encouraging them to identify the correct number of objects corresponding to these numbers. This early exposure to numerical concepts sets the stage for future mathematical understanding and fluency.

SHICHIDA at Home utilizes the Which One? game to give your child practice at discerning different quantities of items. Check out how SHICHIDA at Home can help develop your child’s cognitive ability from the comfort of your home, all while facilitating that all-important bond between parent and child.

Measurement Activities

Measuring is an essential skill that preschoolers must acquire, and fortunately, it can also be a fun-filled activity. You have a variety of options to explore while measuring, including the use of non-standard objects such as paperclips or toys to determine the length of different items. Additionally, a weighing scale can be utilized to measure the weight of objects. By engaging in these measurement activities, preschoolers not only develop a valuable skill but also foster a sense of curiosity and exploration.

Patterning Activities

Patterns are a fundamental and crucial concept in mathematics, particularly for preschoolers’ development. To facilitate understanding, consider utilizing blocks or pattern cards to create simple patterns, allowing your child to replicate and engage with them. This hands-on approach promotes cognitive growth and lays the foundation for advanced mathematical skills later in life. By incorporating pattern-based activities into your child’s learning environment, you are fostering a solid mathematical understanding and fostering their overall cognitive development.


Preschoolers can gain knowledge and understanding of data representation and analysis through the use of graphs. Utilizing simple bar charts or pie charts, you can visually depict the quantities of various objects or fruits and encourage your preschooler to interpret the data. This activity fosters cognitive development and lays the foundation for analytical skills, all while making learning fun and engaging for young minds. By introducing data visualization at an early age, you are equipping your child with valuable tools for comprehending and interpreting information, which will prove beneficial in their academic journey and beyond.

Number Writing

Writing numbers is a fundamental skill for preschoolers, and it is crucial to educate them on the proper way of writing numbers. One effective technique is to engage them with sensory activities using materials like sand or shaving cream, which can assist in teaching them the correct formation of numbers. By providing interactive learning opportunities, we can empower young learners to develop this essential skill early on.

Counting Songs

One effective strategy to enhance children’s math learning experience is through the utilization of songs. Incorporating popular nursery rhymes and infusing them with math-related elements can significantly boost engagement and enjoyment for preschoolers. For instance, take the classic ‘Twinkle Twinkle Little Star’ song and create a math twist by encouraging your child to count and point to the corresponding number of stars. This method not only fosters early mathematical skills but also promotes active participation and interaction. By making math learning fun and interactive at an early age, we can lay a solid foundation for future academic success.

To learn more about how to utilize music in your child’s early childhood education, read our blog “The Benefits of Music in Early Childhood.


Storytelling can be a valuable method for introducing math concepts to preschoolers. By incorporating numbers, shapes, and patterns into stories, you can create a fun and engaging learning experience. This approach not only captivates children’s attention but also helps them develop essential mathematical skills from an early age. Moreover, using storytelling as an educational tool encourages creativity and imagination, making the learning process more enjoyable. When preschoolers are actively involved in the narrative, they are more likely to understand and retain the mathematical concepts being taught. Emphasizing storytelling in early math education is an effective way to foster a positive attitude towards mathematics and lay a strong foundation for future learning.

Develop your child’s love for numbers

Young children are naturally curious and love exploring new things, and introducing math to them from an early age can help them develop a love for numbers and problem-solving. These ten activities are simple yet effective ways to teach pre-schoolers basic math concepts in a fun and engaging way. Remember to approach these activities with a positive attitude, be patient, and celebrate small victories along the way. Happy math-ing!

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